
Kineziološki fakultet

Sveučilište u Zagrebu Kineziološki fakultet (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology) or shortly KIF from Zagreb, Croatia. KIF is an academic, educational and research institution, one of the younger constituents of the University of Zagreb. The primary field of scientific interest and research at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies is kinesiology, which is a relatively young science. The name kinesiology derives from the Greek word kinesis – movement. Today it is defined as a general and universal science studying movement - exercise, which primarily researches the principles of managing training processes in physical education, sports, physical recreation and kinesiotherapy, as well as it examines the effects of these processes through changes in a human body.

Masters of Kinesiology use the acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life while performing classes of physical education at all levels of the educational system, ranging from preschool to higher education institutions. In competitive sports they are able to organize training activities for selected groups of children, adolescents and adult athletes; in physical recreation programs they can plan and manage training activities for young people and adults; in kinesiotherapy they can carry out rehabilitation programs, as well as training programs for persons with disabilities. They are qualified for conducting a scientific approach in planning training processes and in evaluating the expected kinesiological impacts in physical education, in achieving top-level sports results, as well as in improving and maintaining a person's health if he participates in kinesiological exercises.

The integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of kinesiology is a five years’ study (ten semesters), during which in the first six semesters all students attend classes of the same study program which consists of courses in basic kinesiological disciplines and its interdisciplinary fields. Upon enrolling in the fourth year of their study (VII. semester) each student must select one obligatory module in education, in addition to which they must also choose one module in the field of applied kinesiology, which provides them with an additional qualification after completing their study and enables them to work in the field of a selected sport, physical recreation, kinesiotherapy or sports management. After completing the university study of kinesiology all students acquire the academic title Master of Kinesiology and a qualification for working in educational institutions at all levels of the educational system.

Pursuant to their selected module in one of the fields of applied kinesiology, students who graduate from the university study of kinesiology also acquire an additional qualification of the same degree which is added to the basic academic title. This provides each graduate at the university study of kinesiology to acquire a double academic title and two professional qualifications of the same level – Master of Kinesiology in education or a selected sport or kinesiological recreation or kinesiotherapy or sports management.

As a scientific institution, KIF has been leading or partnering a great number of projects among which are three ongoing projects funded through Erasmus+ Sport collaborative partnerships:

  • European Collaborative Partnership on Sport and Health Enhancing Physical Activity – EPHEPA with coordinator British Heart Foundation Centre on Population Approaches for NCD Prevention, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford (UO) (United Kingdom)
  • Promoting National Implementation for Sports Club for Health Programmes in EU Member States (SCforH-project) with coordinator Finnish Sports Confederation - Valo, Finland
  • New training Program: „Health and injury prevention on hard surfaces for young athletes“ in the field of volleyball / HIPHURA (for volleyball) with coordinator HAOK Mladost, one of partners in this project as well

Beside those three, there are 8 other ongoing projects covering different areas of sport and popularization of sport activities.

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