For the past two years, the Zagreb Volleyball Association and his partners Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb, HAOK Mladost, OD Šempeter (SLO), Scuola di pallavolo Anderlini Soc. Coop. Sociale SD (ITA), VK Ekonóm SPU Nitra (SVK) and Avignon Volley Ball (FRA), were developing a program intended for volleyball beginners, children ages 6-7 and 8-9. First part of the program included researching and data gathering about existing programms in the world. It was found that none of the existing programs for children of that age is written at the operational level of individual training. The intellectual output of this project will offer exactly that. An interactive manual will allow trainers quick access to training units and will have a textual and multimedia summary of a specific exercise in one document. This manual will be of great help to coaches working with these age categories, beginner coaches, professors of physical education, but also coaches working with older teams.
The project manager Hrvoje Borovina together with the professor of the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb Tomislav Đurković presented to the trainers and professors all implemented activities during the last two years, from the research part at the very beginning of the project, through the development of the training concept, to gathering feedback on the success of the project from the coaches and children involved into the program.